Joining the League
Help make a difference - From growth management to campaign finance reform, you will be informed and involved when the League lobbies their positions.
Be a leader - Our community needs to know about the controversial issues that affect us daily and how Government works. As a League member you will be part of the process.
Share your know-how, talent, or passion - We are a non-partisan, grassroots organization that welcomes anyone over the age of 16 from any ethnicity, political persuasion, sex, or age.
Improve your skills - Practice public speaking, written communications, and networking as you interact with officials and citizens in the community.
Learn more about us - Open the About Us page to get a better sense of our role in the community, our mission, and a little bit of our history.
Member Resources
The Voter: LWVPBA's monthly newsletter with info on current events, committees, members, and a letter from our President.
Guide to Elected Officials 2021-2023: Complete list of national, state, and local leaders including how to contact them.
LWVPBA New Member Book: An intro to how the League works, current by-laws, committee work, etc. (PDF)
When Women Vote: A study of the Pensacola Suffragist Movement and the founding of the League of Women Voters of the Pensacola Bay Area and its history.
LWVFL Study and Action Guide - 2019 - 2021: The League’s positions and work on issues facing Floridians and Americans in the areas of government, education, justice, social policy, sustainability, and natural resources. (PDF)
LWVFL Lunch 'n Learn Series - Be on the lookout for emails announcing a bi-weekly "Zoom lecture series" on current hot topics and League action presented by the LWVFL. They are only an hour but are packed full of information and the guests are always experts in their field.