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Local Program: Study and Action

The League can take action in support of or opposition to a proposal only when the study of a governmental issue has been completed.  Members must then reach consensus on action to be taken and adopt it into the Local Program.  Topics for study and action include national and state legislative issues, as well as local issues affecting our own community.






Our Roles in the Community

The local League in Pensacola was founded in 1949. Since then, the League of Women Voters of the Pensacola Bay Area has served two important roles in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties:  1. Voter Service and Citizen Education, and 2. Study and Action.


“Voter Service,” including registering new voters and educating voters on ballot initiatives and candidates, is always in progress.  Local “Study and Action” involves a local issue on which, after board approval and careful committee studies, we come to consensus.  We develop a local League position, after which action may be taken.  Such new proposals for local study are considered and voted on at our annual membership meeting in May. These positions remain a part of our ongoing local program unless changed by the membership.

Local Program

Resources for Study and Action

Action can be taken through various means: lobbying elected officials, testimony, letter-writing campaigns, litigation and informing the public, among others.  At the national level, action may be taken based only on national positions.  At the state level, action may be taken based on national or state positions.  Local action may be taken based on local, state or national positions as long as there is member understanding of how the position relates to the situation and it affects only that local League's area.


The resources on this page will help our members to stay abreast of our current local League activities.  They will also allow them to appropriately plan for the future as they become aware of new local issues that need to be proposed for study and subsequent action.

View LWVPBA Planning Documents 2023-2024 Coming Soon!

League of Women Voters Pensacola Bay Area

P.O. Box 2023

Pensacola, FL 32513

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